The bezel is made from a 5. I don't even have to edit the source files anymore. This caused everything to lock up. Target firmware is available under GNU general public license:. A Linux boot with partition table on the card in the drive on my Sun machine looks like this:.
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What I have noticed is that when the laptop turns off or trys to go into suspend that the card does not turn off. However when I unplugged the laptop from AC power so that the APM would switch over and say that Atml was running on batteries the computer would unlock.

Well I finally got it figured out and working. What version of the atmel driver are you using?

Gentoo Forums :: View topic - Atmel PCMCIA Wireless Card

Nice to see you got it to work! I am not sure what the problem is. Thu Apr 24, 4: Or can't configure it. All times are GMT. The bezel is made from a 5.

What is the exact nature of your problem For instructions on how to recompile a kernel look here https: After reinstalling all of gentoo from scratch on my laptop, I tried saying no to it, on pcmccia whim and The debug messages for different modules can be separately enabled and disabled the module is printed in brackets.

The Target firmware is written in C and about 59KiByte in size mainly due to string constants and pcmvia what effectively doubles the size of the real code. New Orleans, Louisiana, U.

Thu Apr 24, 5: I am trying to get a wireless NIC working with my laptop. I am kind of hesitant just for the amount of work it took me to get this working in the first place. Some libraries are modified versions and originally created by Cadsoft. Copyright Gentoo Foundation, Inc.

ahmel You can use the modified libraries for any purpose the terms of Cadsoft apply if I overlooked something and this is not allowed. Fri Jun 20, 4: Fri Jun 06, 6: This caused everything to lock up.

I was wondering what other options should compiled in the kernel for this card to work. Wed Apr 23, 3: I have been unsuccessful so pcmcoa and was wondering if there was someone that had done this before and could help. What I am going to try next is compile the drivers for that card as a module and have them load at boot up.

ATMEL AT76C502A PCMCIA Wireless Adapter Driver Needed

For several reasons I have put Gentoo 1. Everything loads perfectly now.

These forums have been very helpful. Atmeo claim only the right of being the originator of the schematic and layout, feel free to use it for everything you want. Sun Apr 27, 9: My card will cause my keyboard and mouse to freeze sometimes. I think it might be one of a couple of reasons that I will be trying out pcmica fix soon but I was wondering if anyone had ideas. Hosting by Gossamer Threads Inc.
